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Narrative explorations
The hidden reality of Organized Religion
This facade portratys a different narrative to the prison within - dismantling the original take on religion.
The dystopian entity
Corruption has begun to infiltrate the Church, inviting greed to reside within.
The Imprisonment of the Spirit.
People began to worship social media in the decline of blind faith, desperately searching for something tangible to believe in. With that, a rise of comfortability within the nature of committing the seven deadly sins commenced.
The emergence of sacredness; the gate to the divine.
The spiritual realm is found within the hidden dimensions of the universe.
The coexistence of the spiritual and physical realm
These realms overlap each other. The events occuring in the physical world are shaped by activities within the spiritual.
The healing of the mind, cleansing of the soul, and creation of a new spirit.
This journey can be taken through specific spaces: the realm of the corporeal barrier and the personal unconscious, the vessel of rebirth and the assembly of Emergence
The notion of Rebirth
To be saved, one must encounter the Holy Spirt - this supernatural act regenerates life for many.
The Journey to Spiritual awakening
One must believe in the connection between man and the natural world, the gift from the Divine to Earth.
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